treatments > fractured teeth
Countless tooth fractures result from traffic accidents, bicycle falls, sports mishaps, blows to the face and chewing hard objects such as ice. A fractured tooth can evolve into a source of embarrassment for the appearance-conscious adolescent or adult.
When a tooth gets chipped or fractured, the first consideration must be whether the pulp the vital, living portion of the tooth has been damaged. If a fracture is sensitive, painful of uncomfortable, it may be because the pulp is exposed. Ultimately, the condition of the pulp and the amount of remaining tooth structure will determine the choice of treatment.
A patient may complain of the following:
Rough or sharp area on a tooth
Pain when eating or drinking
Sensitivity to heat, cold, or air
Minor Fractures. Such as small chips, chips off the biting edges of the teeth, are usually simple to repair by cosmetic contouring or veneers.
Serious Fractures. If you experience a serious fracture, see your dentist immediately, even if you aren't experiencing any pain. Often, the only sign of pulpal damage is tooth discoloration. In such cases, the first step is to replace the damaged nerve structure with a root canal filling. Incase much of the natural tooth structure is gone, full crowns are placed.
In case of Vertical Root Fracture, there may be no practical way to save the tooth, making extraction the only answer. However, all possibilities should be considered before any tooth is extracted.
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